Quam reprehenderit omnis facere! Pretium dis asperiores veritatis, impedit congue, ante commodi, ullamcorper dolore porta molestie, ac consequatur iusto turpis curabitur netus. Rem odit erat laudantium volutpat aptent sociis odit erat laudan odit erat laudan quisquam odit erat laudan.
The fundamental motto of the vidyalaya is to ascertain all round development of the child. Hence emphasis is laid on healthy development of the child in both areas of academic as well as extracurricular activities. Lush green surroundings of school provide an appropriate atmosphere for learning to the students to make them socially as well as academically a precious citizen of this country. School administration endeavours to have regular interaction with the parents so as to ensure quality education and viable growth of their ward.
Keeping in view the need of the hour and requirement of students belonging to weaker sections, this vidyalaya was established on 2nd February 1992 .Since then the school has been in service of the said section of society.